Sunday, November 27, 2005

News from Brian Murphy about Gold Eagle

For those who are familiar with the Destroyer Series, by Richard Sapir and Warren Murphy, there has been a new development in their relationship with Gold Eagle. Warren Murphy did not renew their contract when it was up for negotiation last summer, though he did let them exercise their option to publish the Destroyer through 2006.

One of the problems with the negotiations was that Gold Eagle did little to promote the series. They even refused an offer by the owner of Destroyer Club to buy an advertisement for the club in the back of the books. For some reason, now that they've lost the series, Gold Eagle is willing to offer a dedication/acknowledgement of Warren's site. You can view the picture below.

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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Nano and Web Site

Getting toward the halfway point in Nano! I was hoping to be at 25,000 words tomorrow, but I slacked off a bit today. Only got to 22,195, which means almost 3000 tomorrow if I want to make it. But I will sit down and try. Funny thing is, I've been flying by the seat of my pants lately. I didn't really plan out anything too much. Things just seem to work themselves out as I go along. For instance, originally, I had my heroine's brother telling her too much too soon, but I put up some roadblocks to that as I was writing it. Now, she's searching for answers somewhere else. I only thought of that plot point yesterday, but it gave me something I was sure about to write today. But I didn't feel as inspired to write it, though I got some speed up around eleven.

They had four My Name is Earls on tonight, and I got distracted watching them. Funny show, and sweet.

I still have ideas for tomorrow. The situation I have my heroine in is going to be playing out for a few chapters. No hurry. I still have half my word count to go.

There's an excerpt posted on my viewer profile over at Nanowrimo. It's crude and I haven't edited at all, so if you want to go check it out, I'm dmcourt there.

I'm getting tempted, too, by my new web site. Jerry finally persuaded me to register my name online, so I got a web site too, while I was at it. I worked on that a little, but there's still much to do, and I don't have a really clear idea of what I can put on it. I could have a book review section. And set up links and advertise the Destroyer and New Blood on there too, if anyone ever finds the site! For now, I'm just cross posting a few of my blogs there.

As soon as I finish my book (for now), I'll turn to the website. They have different themes besides the ones you can choose from. I'd like to decorate it for Christmas for now, then after Christmas, either go with a winter theme or -- probably better -- a tropical theme. I'm sure to be sick of snow by January.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Got this over at Live Journal . I really need to do this. Too often I only think of things that go wrong or that I'm not happy about.

Gratitude Meme: List ten small things you're grateful for, then tag five other people to do the same.

1. Chocolate
2. Good old movies
3. Bad old movies that are so bad, they're good
4. Sundays
5. Typing instead of writing by hand
6. Warm days in November
7. Cool days in July
8. St. Francis of Assisi
9. My comfortable old bathrobe
10. live journal/blogs

Nano went well today. I couldn't write much Friday, but I had written over on other days, so I wasn't behind. But I mean to get far enough ahead this weekend so if something comes up during the week, I won't go too far behind then. I'm up to 9185, and if I can get in at least 2000 (hopefully 3000) tomorrow...

I was really proud of myself today. I couldn't start writing until after six, and I was starting on the third chapter. I had planned the first seven chapters, but decided, as I was starting tonight, to move what I'd had planned for the third chapter into the fourth chapter, and substitute one written in third person dealing with the villain. When I sat down, I had no real idea what was going to come out, but come out stuff did. While it's not great literature, I really wasn't expecting to pull ideas and words out of thin air like that. I hadn't really thought my villain through until I began tonight.

My cat seems much better today. I'm crossing my fingers. He was able to walk around much better. Yesterday, when he came home, the first thing he wanted was the litter box. He had to rest halfway to the bathroom, then, after doing his business, he lay down in the box until he could get up the strength to get out. He wasn't eating the special food they'd given me and he felt cold when I picked him up.

Today he's walking longer before he has to rest. I gave him his regular food tonight, and he's gone to the dish three times so far and ate a little bit each time. He feels warmer and his nose is pinker. I'll just have to keep giving him his medicine and hope for the best.

All in all, a much better birthday than I was picturing a few days ago.